Kitchen Staples Bundle

Kitchen Staples Bundle

Average 20 lbs, Save $45


Stock up and save 20%

  • Pastured-pork
  • Pasture-chicken
  • Local Butter, Syrup

We're committed to providing you with the best local foods. Each item in our Kitchen Staples bundle is hand-picked by our team and enjoyed in our own kitchens. Elevate your cooking with top-quality ingredients that we're proud to raise.

Kitchen Staples Bundle

Pork Selection:

  • 2 pkgs Bulk Pork Sausage (no fillers or MSG)
    • Versatile for breakfast, meatballs, or casseroles.
  • 2 pkgs Smoked Pork Chops
    • Perfect for breakfast, dinner, or any meal.
  • 2 pkgs Pork Tenderloin 
    • Boneless loin, cooks quickly, great for any occasion.
  • 1 pkg Boneless Shoulder Roast
    • Ideal for slow cooking in your crockpot.

Chicken Selection:

  • 3 pkgs Chicken Wings Party Style
    • Roast or grill for the perfect meaty chicken wing.
  • 2 pkgs Whole Chicken 
    • Create exceptional homemade stock and roast chicken meals. 

Essential Additions:

  • 1 pint maple syrup (from Maplerow Sugar House)
    • Genuine and pure syrup from local Maple trees.
  • 2 lb butter (from Moo-ville Creamery)
    • Locally made and a2a2 for easy digestion.

Bundle Benefits:

  • Save 20%, a total of $45 when you purchase the Kitchen Staples bundle. Always have top-quality ingredients on hand for your weekly cooking needs.