Bacon on the brain...

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July 19, 2024

Bacon on the Brain

In the heat of the summer, bacon is one of the most popular items to snag from our farm. Bacon is cut from the side of the animal, often called the belly. From one pig, you get two bellies weighing around 10-12 lbs each. The sides are smoked whole, then sliced into perfect pieces of smoky flavor.

We dream of raising a pig with six sides to keep up with the bacon demand every year! However, to get more bacon, we must raise more whole pigs. If we raise more whole pigs, we must also sell more loins, hams, shoulders, and sausage. It’s a delicate dance we play year-to-year, gauging demand and implementing proper production strategies on the farm.

As farmers, we understand the importance of using a whole animal butchery approach to promote sustainability. Our challenge is to find enough people from different demographics and backgrounds who want to eat it all—including the odd cuts like organs, trotters, skin, and fat. Every year, we get a little better at it, but we still run into shortages of favorite items like bacon from time to time.

There will be a bacon shortage at the markets for a month or so. To help us as your farmers, be adventurous with your dining and meal planning. 

Here are three easy ways to get through the shortage:

  1. Try Great Bacon Alternatives: Smoked jowl bacon (thicker, fattier, richer), cottage bacon (smoked shoulder, sliced thin, great for sandwiches or breakfast), and Canadian bacon (very lean, similar to a very thin and boneless smoked pork chop).
  2. Stock Up on Other Cuts of Pork: Sausages, shoulder roasts, loin, hams, and odds. This shows us it’s time to increase our herd size, and we as your farmers will get to work!
  3. Place a Pre-Order: Ensure we reserve bacon for you before selling the limited amount we have at the markets.

Thank you for being a part of our farming journey and caring about the story behind your farmers and your food.


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