Happy Independence Day, America

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July 16, 2024

Independence Day…

The celebration begins street-side in front of the local brewery.  Kids hold empty bags, anticipating a handful of sweets.  Our neighborhood stands alongside, some we haven’t seen since last year, others since the last bell rang at school.  We wait and wave at the community as they parade through town showing off their sashes, candidates, teams, cars, trucks, horses and businesses too.  

Traffic starts to crawl through town as we meander through the parking lot.  We see a friend from our childhood, and catch up the last 10 years within the next 10 minutes. The car ride to the next patriotic adventure is joyful; kids with suckers in their mouths, and parents with food on our minds, while sunshine kisses my arm perched outside the window.

The table is set with some of the best food carried by some of the hardest working hands we know. The star of the show, slow-roasted boneless pork shoulder, cooked and shredded with chopped onion and jalapenos.  Perfectly seasoned ground chorizo comes in a close second, and vanishes by the evening.

Our stomachs settle while jokes are told, stories are stretched, and people are connected.  Kids play intense, championship-worthy games of baseball, basketball, and king of the raft.

Dusk turns to nightfall, as the barge anchors in the middle of deep water.  One explosion sparks another, then another, until the dark sky is seen no more!

We turn and look at one another, deeply grateful to be alive this Independence day; alive to feel the spirit of freedom even for just a moment while parading, feasting, and watching fireworks.

Happy Independence Day, America.

Thank you for being a part of our farming journey, and caring about the story behind your farmers and your food.


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