Author: Renee Robinson-Seelye

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Adventures in Gardening

Welcome to my gardening adventure! Each year presents its unique set of challenges - weeds, bugs, and unpredictable weather. But this year, I was prepared. We turned old hog water tanks into raised beds, leading to a garden that flourished. However, challenges persisted: aphids, powdery mildew, and more. Join me in sharing the ups and downs of this year's garden journey.

More than a weed…

A chance encounter with curious visitors revealed a fascinating story of milkweeds and monarchs. These modest plants hold an important connection to the survival of monarch butterflies. A subtle reminder of nature's balance and the importance of connecting with our community.


Summer is here, and our kids are back home on the farm. Popsicle season is in full swing, but there's work to be done too. The days are filled with outdoor fun, gardening, and occasional TV breaks.

Spring Chickens

As caretakers, the arrival of the first group of chickens each year brings a mix of anticipation and anxiety. To ensure their safety, we utilized a greenhouse during their crucial first three weeks. However, even with precautions in place, potential dangers remain a concern.