New Predator On The Farm

My eyes caught a dark shadow in the chicken pasture one afternoon. I stopped, stared, and waited for movement. It was two large black birds, standing on the ground next to each other on the perimeter of the flock.

Pack Dates and Labeling

We at the farm understand how confusing food labels can be to consumers. Over-time the commercial food industry has implemented processes and labeling designed more to attract and deceive consumers, instead of inform.

Winter Work

Keeping a farm running all year means getting outside in even the worst weather. But preparing and planning keep everything running smoothly. And a great beard helps! #farmersyouknow

National Farmers Market Week 2021

This week just happens to be National Farmers Market Week 2021 so I thought I'd take some time to explore markets and what makes them so important to the local food system. Having worked at farmers markets for over 10 years I'm still a market junkie and often try to visit a local market even when on vacation. There are very few other places where you have the opportunity to connect with the actual folks that produce something that you use every day. The ability to speak directly to local producers and learn about their life and their products is such a gift.

Rotational Grazing

It’s important as a farmer to think about how everything works together for your particular farm: the land, the animal, and yourself. You live through dreams of what could be while practicing the reality of now.

One Pasture, Many Crops

It's incredible to be able to utilize a single pasture to grow food for different species of animals on the farm. Many different variables can disrupt the system, but if we pay close attention to what nature throws our way, the end result can be beautiful.